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Organisations, movements, organs, institutions, NGOs, political parties, treaties, etc.
(As used in my publications etc. More fields available in online version)
AAC All-African Convention Founded 1935 to unite all Africans against the Hertzog Laws. Newer got mass support in the cities.
AALC African-American Labor Center (United States)

AAM Anti-Apartheid Movement Especially United Kingdom.
AAPSO Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organization

AB Afrikaner Broederbond / Broederbond Also Afrikaner Bond
ABET Adult Basic Education and Training

ABF Workers Educational Association/Arbetarnas Bildningsforbund (Sweden)

ACOA American Committee of Africa
Jennifer Davis, a South African exile and a leading activist in the New York based solidarity organisation
ACP-lande Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Lande associeret EU, se også AVS-lande In 2007 76 countries.
ADC Advanced Developing Countries

ADRA Action for Rural Development and the Environment/Acgåo para o Desenvolvimento Rural e Ambiente (Angola)

AEC African Economic Community is an organization of African Union states establishing grounds for mutual economic development among the majority of African states. The stated goals of the organization include the creation of free trade areas, customs unions, a single market, a central bank, and a common currency (see African Monetary Union) thus establishing an economic and monetary union.
Den afrikanske uddannelsesfond
AFL-CIO The American federation of trade unions

AFL/CIO American Federation of Labor/Committee for Industrial Organization

AFT Africa Educational Trust (Great Britain)

Agang Political party stated by former ANC leader Mamphela Ramphele ?2013?

AGIS Africa Groups in Sweden / Afrikagrupperna i Sverige

AGOA African Growth and Opportunities Act US Government Marchall-Plan-like aid program for Africa Madagascar excluded 2009 after coup.
AHI Afrikaanse Handelsinstitut Hvid konservativt orienteret arbejdsgiverorganisation.
AI Amnesty International

AI Africa Institute, Pretoria

AIC International Centre of the Swedish Labour Movement/Arbetarrorelsens Internationella Centrum


AIS Arbeiderbevegelsens Internasjonale Støttekomite (International Solidarity Committee of the Norwegian Labour Movement)

AKP Arbeidernes Kommunistparti / Workers' Communist Party, Norway

AKT Finnish Transport Workers' Union / Auto- ja Kuljetusalan Työntekijäliitto

AMCU Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) was formed in Mpumalanga, South Africa, in 1998 as a breakaway faction of the COSATU-affiliated National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). It was formally registered as a union in 2001. [1] According to Mining Weekly, the union sees itself as distinct from NUM in that it is "apolitical and noncommunist".[2]

Competition with NUM over bargaining rights, especially at the Implats and Lonmin mines in the Rustenburg area culminated in the violent Marikana miners' strike and what became known as the Lonmin Massacre, in which police shot and killed over 30 strikers.

AMEC African Methodist Episcopal Church

AMS Swedish Labour Market Board/Arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen

AMWU African Mine Workers Union Active in the 1940s. Behind the important
ANC (SANNC) African National Congress (South African Native National Congress) Most important organisation for black resistance at least after 1950. Founded 1912, banded 1960, legalised 1990, goverment party 1994.
ANC-Z African National Council-Zimbabwe

ANCYL / CYL Congress Youth League. ANCs militante ungdomsafdeling. Stiftet i 1943-44 af bl.a. Mandela og Tambo.
Antikom Anti-kommunistiese Aksiekommissie In October 1946 the Anti-kommunistiese Aksiekommissie, or Antikom, was founded at an ecclesiastical congress on communism held in Pretoria under the auspices of the DRC. Apparently this initiative was conceived within the ranks of the NRT. Some of the most prominent and influential Afrikaner political, cultural, intellectual and church leaders would serve on Antikom.
ANZUS Australia, New Zealand, and the United States

AOF Arbeidernes Opplysningsforbund (Workers' Educational Association)

AP Afrikaner Party Afrikaanernationalistisk politisk parti, 1941-51.
APLA Azanian Peoples Liberation Army The armed wing of PAC.
APO African Peoples Organisation Oprettet i 1902 som African Political Organisation af Abdullah Abdurahman. Sygnede hen efter 1930.
ARM African Resistance Movement Liberal sabotage organisation. Many arrested in 1963-64, mostly whites.
ARO Recruitment Organization of the Africa Groups/Afrikagruppernas Rekryteringsorganisation (Sweden)

ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

ASP Afrikaanse Studentebond

Hvid reformorienteret arbejdsgiverorganisation.
ATIC AIDS Training and Information Centre

AU African Union / Den afrikanske union Pan-African organisation for cooperation and development. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Economic_Community
AUF Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (Labour Party Youth)

AV / AVF Afrikaner Volkswag, Afrikaaner Folkevagt. Stiftet som alternativt broderskab til Broederbund af Carel Boshoff i 1984.
AWB Afrikaaner Weerstandsbeweging Eugene TerreBlanches fascistiske bevægelse. Stiftet i 1973, 50-150000 medlemmer i 1990.
AWEPAA Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action against Apartheid

AVS-lande Lande i Afrika, Asien og stillehavsområdet, som er tilsluttet Lomekonventionen. 1975 var 46 lande med, 1994 70 lande.
AZACTU Azanian Confoderation of Trade Unions Fagbevægelse, der indgik i NACTU sammen med CUSA i 1987.
AZANLA Azanian National Liberation Army Armed struggle organisation linked to AZAPO and Black Consiousness Movement.
AZAPO Azanian Peoples Organisation Founded in 1978 after the ban on the Black Consciousness Movement in 1977.Socialistisk oriented. Still existed 1996 as a radical organization that was not included in TRC
AZASO Azanian Studens Organisation Founded in 1979 after the ban on SASO, changed name in 1987 to SANSCO.
BAWU Black Allied Workers Union

BBB Blanke Bevrydigingsbeweging, den hvide “frihedsbevægelse”. Dannet i 1985, gik ind for hvid genetisk overlegenhed, alle sorte skal tvangsforvises til hjemlande,
BC / BCM / BCMA Black Consciousness Movement of South Africa Africanistic natioanlist oganisation. Important from late 1970s to mid-80s. Steve Biko leader. Intellectual and ideological approach.
BCP Black Community Programmes (South Africa)

BE Bread and Fishes/Brodet och Fiskarna (Sweden)

BEE / BBBEE Black Economic Empowerment / broad-based black economic empowerment Corporate Governance
Since 1994, South Africa has embarked in a process aimed at empowering groups that had been negatively affected by the previous system of apartheid. This process is known as Black Economic Empowerment (BEE).

BL British Library, London

BLAs Black Local Authorities SeSAlaw.
BLNS Botswana, Lesoto, Namibia, Swaziland

BMF Black Management Forum Sort erhvervsorganisation, med i ledelsen af Nafcoc.
BNI Bruttonationalindkomst

BOSS Bureau of State Security

BPA Black Parents Association The black parents' association, formed in connection with the Soweto uprising.
BPC Black Peoples Convention Stiftet af SASO i 1971-72? Begyndelsen til Black Consciousness bevægelsen.
CA Congress Alliance Formed in the 1950s. Alliance between ANC, the coulered, the Indian and the white congress (COD) around the Freedom Charter. Later also known as Freedom Alliance. (Not to confuse with the white wright wing so-called FA from the early 1990s).
CAHAC Cape Areas Housing Action Committee Tilknyttet UD i midt 80erne.
CAL NF-associated Cape Action League

CANU Caprivi African National Union (Namibia)

CAP Common Agricultural Policy

Carolina Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek

CAS Center for Afrikastudier, København; Centre of African Studies, Copenhagen

CAYCO Cape Youth Congress (South Africa)

CBDOs Community Based Development Organisations Lokal ikke-statslig udviklings-NGO til stotte for RDP
CBM Consultative Business Movement To-partsforum med deltagelse af SACCOLA, COSATU og NACTU i apartheids sidste år. rådgivende bevægelse for forretningslivet
CBO Community Based Organisations Organisationer med base i lokalsamfund Spareklubber-stokvelds, begravelsesforeninger,
CBPWP Community Based Public Works Programme

CCD Committee for the Defence of Democracy Kirkeledernes samleorganisation dannet i 1988, hurtigt forbudt.
CCHA Consultative Committee on Humanitarian Assistance/Beredningen for humanitårt bistånd (Sweden)

CCM Christian Council of Mozambique

CCM Chama Cha Mapinduzi (Tanzania)

CCN Council of Churches in Namibia

CDE Centre for Development and Enterprise

CDFer Community Development Forums Lokal udviklings-NGO, som skal sikre folkelig deltagelse i RDP på boligområde-niveau. Især græsrodsorganisationer.
CDR Center for Udviklingsforskning, København

CDS Centre for Development Studies (South Africa)

CEIR Council for Ecumenical and International Relations - Church of Norway (Mellomkirkelig Råd)

CENTO Central Treaty Organization

CEP Community Employment Programme

CFTC Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation

CHW Community Health Worker

CI Christian Institute Christian initiative for democracy. Initiatet by Beyers Naude (1963?)
CIA Central Intelligence Agency (United States)

CIEC Conference on International Economic Cooperation

CINDI Children in Distress Project

CIO Central Intelligence Organization (Rhodesia)

CIU Co-ordination and Implementation Unit

Fælles møntområde
CMA Catchment Management Agencies

CMEA/Comecon Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

CMIP Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Programme

CNETU Council for Non-European Trade Unions. Landsdækkende sort fagorganisation i 1940'erne. Stiftet 1941.
CoCoM Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Exports Control

COD Congress of Democrats The white part of the Congress Alliance during the 1950s. Founded after the ban on the communist party.
Codesa Convention for a Democratic South Africa The forum where negotiations about a democratic constitution were stared in the early 1990s.
CoL Culture of Learning

COMESA Custom Organisation Southern Africa Afloste PTA som frihandelsforum efter Sydafrikas demokratisering. Regional okonomisk organisation
CONCP Conference of Nationalist Organisations in the Portuguese Colonies/Conferencia das Organizagces Nacionalistas das Colonias Portuguesas

CONNEP Consultative National Environmental Policy Process

CONSAS Constallation of Southern African States Sydafrikansk forsog på at splitte og dominere frontlinjestaterne i slutningen af 70erne, den totale strategi.
CONTRALESA Congress [Council] of Traditional Leaders Used by NP during negotiations 1990-94.
COPE Congress of the People Political party breackaway from ANC 2007.
COPR Center for freds- og konfliktforskning, Kbh.

COREMO Revolutionary Committee of Mozambique/Comite Revolucionårio de Mozambique

COSAG Conserned South Africans Group

COSAS Congress of South African Students, gymnasieelevernes sammen- slutning som efterfolger for det forbudte SASM i 1979. COSAS blev forbudt i 1985, legaliseret igen i 1990.
COSATU Congress of South African Trade Unions The national trade union organisation founded 1985 where it united most of the important trade unions and quickly got more than 1 mil. members.
COSAW Congress of South African Writers Forfattersammenslutningen.
COTRALESA Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa, oprettet af hovdinge fra KwaNdbele, Venda og Bophuhatswana, havde i 1990 fremtrædende ledere fra alle "hjemlande".
CP / NCP Conservative Party / Det konservative parti Afrikaanernationalistisk politisk parti
CPC / SACPO / SACPC South African Coloured Peoples Congress. The coloured part of the Congress Alliance, formed in the 1950s.
CPM Capability Poverty Measure

CPSA Church of the Province of South Africa Den anglikanske kirke i SA, ca. 460.000 hvide medlemmer i midt 80-erne. Også Church of England in South Africa 100.000. Sorte sosterkirker.
CPSA / SACP Communist Party of South Africa / South African Communist Party Founded 1921, banded 1950, revived in secrecy as SACP. Unbanned 1990
CPSU / CPUSSR Communist Party of the Soviet Union

CRLR Commission on Restitution of Land Rights ( Land Commission)

CRSS Committee for the Restructuring of Social Security

CSA Church of Sweden Aid/Lutherhjälpen

CSAU? Council
of South African Unions
Aligned to the black consciousness
movement from 1980
Ref. Nash.
CSG Child Support Grant

CSII Church of Sweden :Mission

CSLA Supreme Council for the Liberation of Angola/Conselho tiupremo da I ibcrtatåode Angola

CSS Central Statistical Service

CUBP Clinic Upgrading and Building Programme

CUE Centre Party Youth League/Centerpartiets Ungdomsforbund (Sweden)

CUR Catholic Institute for International Relations (Great Britain)

CUSA Council of Unions of South Africa. Mindre separatistisk sort faglig landsorganisation. Aktiv i 1980'erne. Indgået i NACTU?
CWSS Community Water Supply and Sanitation Programme

DA Democratic Alliance Samarbejde / sammenslutning mellem DP og NNP. National Party (nu NNP for New National Party), led et sviende nederlag og sluttede sig i juni 2000 sammen med DP under betegnelsen Democratic Alliance (DA). Denne alliance brød dog sammen i slutningen af 2001 og NNP har nu allieret sig med ANC.
DAC Department of Arts and Culture of ANC

DACST Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology

DagHam Dag Hammarskjöldbiblioteket, Uppsala

DANIDA Danish International Development Assistance

DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa Udviklingsbanken for det sydlige Afrika. Opr. bank for valuta overforsler mellem de såkalte TBVC-stater.
DCD Department of Constitutional Development

DCM Det Danske Center for Menneskerettigheder, Kbh.

DDV The Danish Vietnam Committees / De Danske Vietnamkomiteer

DEIC / VOC Dutch East India Compagny / Vereignigte Ostindische Compagnie

DET Department of Education and Training

DGS Danish high school students' organisation / Danske Gymnasieelevers Sammenslutning.

DHA District Health Authority

DHAC Durban Housing Areas Action Committee (South Africa)

DHF Dag Hammarskjold Foundation (Sweden)

DHS District Health System

DIIS (ISS) Institut for Internationale Studier, Kbh. (ISS)?
DIP Department of Information and Publicity of ANC

DKK Danish currency (kroner)

DKP Communist Party of Denmark / Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti

DLA Department of Land Affairs

DMEA Department of Minerals and Energy Affairs

DNA Det Norske Arbeiderparti (Norwegian Labour Party)

DoA Department of Agriculture

DoE Department of Education

DoH Department of Health

DoHousing Department of Housing

DoL Department of Labour

DONS Department of National Security (South Africa)

DoT Department of Transport

DP Dominion Party Imperievenligt parti for engelsktalende
DP / DA Democratic Party / democratic Allinace The party traces its roots to the anti-apartheid movement of the 1970s and 1980s, during which time it was known variously as the Progressive Party, the Progressive Reform Party, and the Progressive Federal Party. During this time, the party featured prominent anti-Apartheid activists such as Helen Suzman, Colin Eglin, Harry Schwarz and Frederik van Zyl Slabbert. During the 1990s the party was known as the Democratic Party, but was renamed to the Democratic Alliance, during a short-lived alliance with the New National Party (NNP) in 2000 - the NNP subsequently left to join the ANC. More recently, the party merged with the Independent Democrats, but retained its existing name.

DPB Danmarks Pædagogiske Bibliotek

DRC Dutch Reformed Church, see NGK (South Africa) From the 1940s onwards the Afrikaner churches - the DRC, the NHK and the Hervormde Kerk - would organise a flurry of anti-communist conferences and symposia.
DTA Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (Namibia)

DTI Department of Trade and Industry

DUPI Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Institut, Kbh.

DWAF Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

EA? Finnish South Africa Committee / Etelä-Afrikka toimikunta Backed by the Finnish Student Uion
EAC East African Community
For instance, the original 16 members of the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) negotiating group have disintegrated into four different groups. The EC recently signed an interim goods agreement with five members of the East African Community (EAC), a fraction of the ESA group.
EAWU Engineering and Allied Workers Union (South Africa)
EC European Community

ECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Se hofmeier
ECC End Conscription Campaign

ECD Early Childhood Development

ECLA United Nations' Economic Commission for Latin America

ECOSOC Economic and Social Council UN organisation
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
Se Hofmeier
EDL Essential Drug List

EEC European Economic Commission

EELAK Finnish Isolate South Africa Campaign / Eristäkää Etelä-Afrikka kampanja

EFF economic freedom fighters Possible political party Molemas breackaway from ANC before the elction 20014.
EFTA European Free Trade Association

ELC Evangelical Lutheran Church (South Africa)
ELCIN Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia

ELCSA Evangelical Lutheran Church in South Africa

ELCZ Evangelical Lutheran Church of Zimbabwe

ELOK Evangelical Lutheran Ovambo-Kavango Church (Namibia)

EMIP Extension of the Municipal Infrastructure Programme

ENIASA European Network for Information and Action on Southern Africa a successor, created in 1995, to the former Liaison Group of the Anti-Apartheid Movement
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement

EPG-group (Commonwealth) Eminent Persons’ Group Failed after promising start.
Commonwealth representatives of eminent persons meant to mediate between late apartheid government and the ANC.

ERIP Education Resource and Information Project (South Africa)
ERS Education Renewal Strategy Ny uddannelsespolitik efter 1994.
EU European Union, Den Europæiske Union

EWG Electricity Working Group

FA Freedom Alliance of the anti-apartheid struggle the exile cooperation between ANC, SACP, and SACTU.
After 1994 called the Tripartite Alliance.
NOT to be confused with the 1990s anti-election right-wing Freedom Alliance: In protest at the perceived sidelining of the mainly-Zulu Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Mangosuthu Buthelezi took the IFP out of the MPNF and formed the Concerned South Africans Group (COSAG; later renamed the "Freedom Alliance") together with traditional leaders, homeland leaders and white right-wing groups.
FA? Freinds of Africa White liberal organisation 1930s.
Fabcos Afrikansk erhvervs og forbrugerservice, medlem af Nafcoc. Organisationen af afrikanske forretningsfolk og forbrugere
FAK Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurverenigings, afrikaanernes kulturorganisation, skabt af Broederbund for at fremme boernes ideologi, afrikanerdom.
FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation UN
FCCA Cape Civic Associations

FCI Federated Chamber of Industries Hvid reformorienteret arbejdsgiverorganisation.
FCWU Food and Canning Workers Union (South Africa)
FEDSAL Federation of South African Labour

FEDSAW Federation of South African Women

FET Futher Education and Training (Curriculum) Rules and plans for school education.
FF Freedom Front Hvid højreekstrem organisation.
FFC Financial and Fiscal Commission

FHC Free Health Care

FINNIDA Finnish International Development Agency

FLING Front for the Liberation and Independence of Guinea/Frente para a Libertacao de Independencia da Guine (Guinea-Bissau)

FNLA National Front for the Liberation of Angola/Frente Nacional de Libertacao de Angola

FOFATUSA Federation of Free African Trade Unions. Smaller national federation of unions created as a reformist alternative to the Congress Alliance’s SACTU.
FOSATU Federation of South African Trade Unions Stiftet i 1979 efter liberaliseringen af arbejdsmarkedslovgivningen, medstifter af COSATU.
FPJ Foundation for Peace and Justice (South Africa)

FPP Family Preservation Project

FPU Liberal Party Youth League/Folkpartiets Ungdomsforbund (Sweden)

FRELIMO Mozambique Liberation Front/Frente de Libertagåo de Mozambique

FRG Federal Republic of Germany

FROLIZI Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe

FUF Swedish Development Forum/Foreningen for Utvecklingsfrågor

G-7 / G-8 Group of Seven / Group of Eight

GAA Group Areas Act

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Den internationale told- og handelsorganisation oprettet i 1947 regler for fremme af frihandelsaftaler.
GAWU General and Allied Workers Union

GCG Gulf Cooperation Council

GDE Gauteng Department of Education

GDP Gross domistic product bruttonationalproduktet (GNP)
GDR German Democratic Republic

GEAR Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy 1996
GET General Education and Training (Curriculum) Rules and contents for basic education.
Gini Gini coefficient.
unit of measurement for inequality and poverty.
GKSA Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika havde ca. 130.000 medlemmer i midt-80erne.
GNP Gross national product

GNP (PNP) Gesuiwerde Nasionale Party (Purified National Party) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Purified National Party was a break away from Hertzog's National Party which lasted from 1935 to 1948.
In 1935, the United Party was formed out of the merger between Hertzog's National Party and the rival South African Party of Jan Smuts. Daniel François Malan strongly opposed the merger; he and 19 other MPs defected to form the 'Purified' National Party, which he led for the next fourteen years as opposition. Malan also opposed South African participation in World War II, which was already unpopular among the Afrikaner population and led to a split in the governing party; this dramatically increased his popularity, and he consequently defeated Smuts and the United Party in 1948.

GNU Government of National Unity after 1994 Coalition government after 1994.
GONGO Government organized non-governmental organisations

GWU (1) General Workers Union

GWU (2) Garment Workers' Union the formation of the South African Trades and Labour Council (SAT&LC), a trade union federation to which such important trade unions as the Mine Workers' Union (MWU) and the Garment Workers' Union (GWU) were affiliated.
HARME The History and Archaeology Report to the Minister of Education

HBU Historically black universities

HDI Human Development Index

HEG History Education Group Committed to a unitary, democratic state and to a version of the past that sought to redress the "neglect and vilification" of the African majority, like the HSRC report they also relied on a somewhat simplistic process of making texts more inclusive - as though "what we put in or leave out of the syllabus is seen as the vital issue". Although inflected in more progressive tones, the HEG proponents also looked to a negotiated, or consensus, version of the past. But the HEG commentators formulated their ideas during meetings held in 1992.
hes /n Fag i H.E. Stoltens fotokopisamling

Het Volk Dutch: the people Boer Movement founded by Louis Botha in 1905. Won a majority in the Transvaal in the elections in 1907.
Went into the Boer areas' autonomy against the limits of the Dutch language, against the imported Chinese labor, but samartbejdede about union formation in 1910.

HIPC High Indebted Poor Countries.

HIV Sygdom forårsaget af AIDS-infektion.

HNP (1) Herenigde Nasionale Party, Reunited National Party, Det genforenede nationale parti Malans rensede nationalistparti som blev omdobt, da Hertzog mfl. sluttede sig til i 1939 efter UPs krigsstotte til England.
HNP (2) Herstigte Nasionale Party / Re-established National Party Dannet af ekskluderede NP-hojreledere i 1969 i protest mod NPs reformkurs.
HRC / SAHRC South African Human Rights Commission

HSL Household subsistence level. unit of measurement for inequality and poverty.
HTC High Commission Territories of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland The initial forms of integration of both the HCTs and an outer periphery of states which included Nyasaland (Malawi), Northern and Southern Rhodesia (Zambia and Zimbabwe respectively) and Mozambique.
HUE Moderate Party Youth League/Hogerns Ungdomsforbund (Sweden)

HWU Historically white universities

IAS Industrial Aid Society (South Africa)
IB Ishøj Bibliotek

IBEC Independent Business Enrichment Centre Stottet af Danida med 14 mio. i 1996.
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ICAAS International Campaign Against Apartheid Sport

ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

ICEIDA Icelandic International Development Agency

ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

ICJ International Court of Justice

ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross

ICS Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London

ICSA International Committee against Apartheid, Racism and Colonialism in Southern Africa

ICU Industrial and Commercial Workers Union Black national nongovernmental organisation formed 1919 with 100.000 members during the 1920s. Most activity in rural areas against land injustices.
IDA ?International Development Agency Verdenbankens internationale udviklingssammenslutning. Forvalter langfristede lån til fattigste lande.
IDAF International Defence and Aid Fund Based in Britain
IDASA Institute for a Democratic Alternative in South Africa / Institute for Democracy in South Africa Progressive nongovernmental organisation founded 1985 Educational work on democratisation, social and human right issues.
IDEA International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Sweden)

IDP Integrated Development Planning

IDS Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

IDT Independent Development Trust

IEC Independent Electoral Commission

IES Income and Expenditure Survey

IF UN youth association in Denmark / Internationalt Forum

IFIs International Financial Institutions

IFP Inkatha Freedom Party The ethnic based power organisation of chief Buthelezi.
IGF Intergovernmental Forum

ILO International Labour Organisation

IMC-Y Inter-Ministerial Committee on Young People at Risk

IME Industrial Market Economies

IMF International Monetary Fund

IMR Institut for menneskerettigherder, Kbh.

Imssa Independent Mediation Service of South Africa Konfliktlosnings og menneskeretsinstitutionel NGO.
Indhlavini Mpondo young men's assosiation. Mobiliserede minearbejderne til 1946-strejken efter etniske linjer.
INDS Integrated National Disability Strategy

INSET In-service training

IOC International Olympic Committee

IRCOZ International Refugee Council of Zambia

ISAK Isolate South Africa Committee / Isolera Sydafrika-Kommitten (Sweden)

ISC International Student Conference

ISL International Socialist League Socialistisk anti-krigs bevægelse stiftet 1915. Indgået i det kommunistiske parti 1921.
ISMUS Institute for the Study of Marxism, University of Stellenbosch

IUEF International University Exchange Fund

IUSY International Union of Socialist Youth

IWA Industrial Workers of Africa Early black trade union established around 1917-20. Might have been active at the black mineworkers strike 1920.
IYN Imbumba Yama Nyama It was pre-eminently a political organisation that emphasized that the struggle for national rights required black unity. The organisation's strongest support was in the Western Cape Founded 1882
JMC Joint Military Command (Zimbabwe)

JODAC Johannesburg Democratic Action Committee (South Africa)
JSAS Journal of Southern African Studies

KA Kommunistisk Arbejderkreds eller Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds?

KA? Federation of the Finnish Transport Workers' Unions / Kuljetusalan Ammattiliittojen Federationi /

KB Det kongelige bibliotek, Kbh.

KBA / UBA Det kongelige bibliotek, Kbh (Amager), Universitetsbiblioteket

KBF Det kongelige bibliotek, Kbh (Fiolstræde)

KBsv Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm

KF Co-operative Union and Wholesale Society/Kooperativa Forbundet (Sweden)

Killie Killie Campbell Library, Durban

KRISS Christian Student Movement in Sweden/Kristna Studentrorelsen i Sverige

KUN? Church Council for Foreign Affairs / Kirkon ulkomaanasiain neuvosto

LBSC Local Business Service Centre

LDC Least Developed Countries De mindst udviklede ulande.
LDFer Local Development Forums Lokal udviklings-NGO, som skal sikre folkelig deltagelse i RDP på lokalt plan. Især samarbejde med erhvervslivet.
LDO Land Development Objective

LEDP Local Economic Development Planning

LLA Lesotho Liberation Army

LO Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions / Landsorganisasjonen i Norge

LO Swedish Trade Union Confederation / Landsorganisationen i Sverige

LO Danish Trade Union Confederation / Landsorganisationen i Danmark

LP Labour Party White labour party formed early 1900s (1910). Made Pact-government with SAP 1924.
LP Liberal Party of South Africa Small party, formed after break in United Party 1953. Clearly anti-racist, but distanced itself from ANC. Dissolved 1968.
LPC Left Party Communists (Sweden) Venstrepartiet Kommunisterne
LRPP Land Reform Pilot Project

LSA / SAK The Danish Anti-Apartheid Movement / Landskommiteen Sydafrika Aktion / Sydafrika Komiteen

LWF Lutheran World Federation

LWF Lutheran World Federation

MANWU Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union

MAWU Metal and Allied Workers Union (South Africa)

MCH Ministerial Committee on History

MDG Millennium Development Goals

MDM Mass Democratic Movement United the forces of change in the defiance campaign 1989, after that UDF was partly suppressed.
MDP Manufacturing Development Programme

MEC Minister of the Executive Council

Norvegian government decition on funding to movements?
MFA Movement of the Armed Forces/Movimento das Foras Armadas (Portugal)

MIF Miners International Federation

MIN Municipal Infrastructure Investment Framework

MIP Municipal Infrastructure Programme

MIR Movimiento Izquierda Revolucionario Chilenian ultra left movement
MIRV Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicles

MK Umkhonto we Sizwe The armed wing of ANC.
MLL Minimum Living Level unit of measurement for inequality and poverty.
MMD Movement for Multiparty Democracy (Zambia)

MMM Mild to Moderate Forms of Malnutrition

MOEC Major Oil Exporting Countries

MONAP Mozambique-Nordic Agricultural Programme

MONGO My Own NGO Examples NGOs which lack of general standards of accountability
MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola/Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola.

MS Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke / Danish Association for International Cooperation One of the largest Danish development NGOs
MS Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes Bibliotek

MSF Médecins sans Frontieres / Læger uden grænser

MTEF Medium-term Expenditure Framework

MUF Moderate Party Youth Leage/Moderata Ungdomsforbundet (Sweden)

MUN Mineworkers Union of Namibia

MWASA Media Workers Association of South Africa

MWS Modern World Society Communist front on campus
MVT The Marxist Workers’ Tendency (of the ANC) Fagforeningsorienteret, arbejderistisk, trodskyistisk tendens inden for ANC. Legassick og andre af dens ledere blev udelukket fa ANC i 79 0g ekskluderet i 85.
MWU Mine Workers' Union Fagforening, trade union, the South African Trades and Labour Council (SAT&LC), a trade union federation to which such important trade unions as the Mine Workers' Union (MWU) and the Garment Workers' Union (GWU) were affiliated.
NAAWU National Automobile and Allied Workers Union (South Africa)

NACOSA National AIDS Co-ordinating Committee of South Africa

NACTU National Council of Trade Unions. Mindre, delvis separatistisk faglig landsorganisation, stiftet af uafhængige fagforeninger i 1987, havde op mod 250.000 medlemmer i 1990.
NAD Native Affairs Department / Native Administration Department Ministeriet for indfote anliggender. Nok det mest berygtede ministerium under apartheid, arbejdede i en periode under Verwoerds
NADEL National Association of Democratic Lawyers (South Africa)

NAFAU Namibian Food and Allied Union

Nafcoc ?, Nationale forenede handelskammer Stiftet juli 1995, styres af rep. for Fabcos, BLA, Abasa, BMF, har 150.000 medlemmer.
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

NAI Nordiska Afrikainstitutet / Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden.

NAMA Norsk Aksjon Mot Apartheid (Norwegian Action Against Apartheid)

NANSO Namibian National Students Organization

NAPSA Namibia Private School Association

NAPWU Namibia Public Workers Union

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NAWU Namibian Workers Union

NAYCO Natal Youth Congress (South Africa)

NBI National Business Initiative

NCA Norwegian Church Aid (Kirkens Nødhjelp)

NCHE National Committee on Higher Education 1994-
NCOP National Council of Provinces

NCPS National Crime Prevention Strategy

NCR Native Recruiting Corporation Organisation til rekruttering af sort arbejdskraft inden for Sydafrikas egne grænser.
NCS National Curriculum Statement

NDA National Development Agency

NDM National Democratic Movement Liberal forgænger for Democratic Party. Stiftet af 2 MP udsplittet fra PFP i 87.
NDP National Democratic Party (Zimbabwe)

NDP National Drugs Programme

NDP National Development Plan 2030 Introduced 2012
NEA Native Educational Association In 1879 a predominantly black organisation with political objectives was founded. It was called the Native Educational Association (NEA), and it sought to improve black education and introduce social welfare for black people.
NEC National Executive Committee of ANC

NECC National Education Crisis Committee / National Education Coordination Committee Nation wide association of pupils, teachers, and parrents, founded in 1985, changed its name in 1989. Navneændring til National Education Coordination Committee 1989.
NEDLAC National Economic Development and Labour Council Organisation for samarbejde med den private sektor i Sydafrika.
NEF National Economic Forum Organ dannet på fagbevægelsens initiativ 1992 for deltagelse i trepartsforhandlinger.
NEF The Government's National Empowerment Fund Provide funds for Blacks’ purchase of stocks.
NEKSA Norsk ekumenisk komite for det sørlige Afrika (Norwegian Ecumenical Committee for Southern Africa)

NEM Non-Industrial Market Economies

NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
NEPI Naional Education Policy Investigation Uddannelsespolitisk forskning efter apartheid.
NER National Electricity Regulator

NETUF Non-European Trade Union Federation Mindre faglig sort sammenslutning i 1930'erne.
NEU Namibian Extension Unit

NEUM Non-European Unity Movement Anti-racist programme 1943. Trotzkist orientation, rather strong organisation Also Unity Movement in the 80s with links to BCM/NF.
NF National Forum Formed alongside UDF 1983. More Africanistic BCM PAC oriented.
NGDOer Non Government Development Organisations Ikke statslig udviklings-NGO til stotte for RDP.
NGK / DRC Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk / Dutch Reformed Church

NGOs Non-government organisations Civil society encompasses a battery of widely different associational activities: professional societies; trade unions; confederations of employers; chambers of commerce; chess clubs, debating clubs, choirs, youth clubs and similar social activities; charities; non-governmental organisations engaged in development work; adoption agencies; neighbourhood organisations; organisations promoting sectional interests; advocacy organisations working for a variety of causes from environmental conservation to human rights protection; clandestine societies; self-help groups; loose networks promoting livelihoods or causes; churches and religious groupings; ethnic associations; welfare associations; rotating savings and credit societies; burial societies; community based organisations; co-operative unions; and many more. This multiplicity of associational forms is found at local, national and international levels.
Similarly, acronyms abound and add to the confusion—there is a virtual explosion of terms with more or less serious, satirical or derogatory connotations: NGO (non-governmental organisation); PVO (private voluntary organisation); PVDO (private voluntary development organisation); CBO (community based organisation); CSO (civil society organisation); QUANGO (quasi- non-governmental organisation); GONGO (government non-governmental organisation); GANGO (gap-filling non-governmental organisation); CO (charitable organisation); P0 (people’s organisation); GO (grassroots organisation); JO (independent organisation); P0 (private organisation); VO (voluntary organisation); AGO (anti-government organisation); NGJ (nongovernmental individual); MONGO (my own non-governmental organisation), and many more.
NHK Nederduitsh Hervormde Kerk havde ca. 260.000 medlemmer i midt 80erne.
NIC Natal Indian Congress (South Africa)

NICs Newly Industrializing Countries

NIEO / NEO New international economic order

NIP Namibia Independence Party

NIR International Council of Swedish Industry/NAringslivets Internationella RAd

NIS National Intelligence Service Efterretningstjeneste efter apartheid.
NKIF Norwegian Union of Chemical Industry Workers (Norsk Kjemisk Industriarbeiderforening)

NKP Norway's Communist Party / Norges Kommunistiske Parti

NLC National Liberation Committee

NLC National Literary Co-operation

NME Non-Market Economies

NMS Norwegian Missionary Society

NNF Namibia National Front

NNSDP National Nutrition and Social Development Programme

NO Nuwe Orde New Order, Den nye orden, fascistisk boerorganisation. Udelukket fra NP i 1942. Udelukket fra NP i 1942.
NOCOSA Norwegian Council for Southern Africa (Fellesrådet for det sørlige Afrika)

NOK Norwegian currency (norske kroner)

NOLDC Non-oil Less Developing Countries

NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation

Not known? Operation One Day's Work in Finland / Taksvärkki The first significant assistance project was "Operation One Day's Work" (Taksvärkki) organized in 1969 by the Union of the Secondary School Students (Teiniliitto) to collect educational materials for the liberated areas in Mozambique.
Not known? Africa Committee in Finland / Afrikkakomitea In 1970 the Africa Committee (Afrikkakomitea) was established in connection with the Finnish Peace Committee, Finnish arm of the Soviet-dominated World Peace Council.
Not known? Crisis Fund for South Africa in Norway 1963 established as a sister organisation of the British International Defence and Aid Fund,
NP National Party Afrikaner political party. Founded 1914 by Hertzog. In Pact-government from 1924 Fusion with SAP 1933. Reorganised several times. Ruled South Africa 1948 - 1994
NPA National Peace Accord In South Africa in the early 1990s. Violent clashes were taking place around the country. In response, political leaders, businesses, trade unions, military formations, and faith communities came together and signed a multilateral National Peace Accord (NPA) in September 1991. The NPA established 10 regional and 162 local peace committees across the country. Violence was not eliminated but these committees helped to ensure that it did not derail the anticipated settlement.
NPA (2) Norwegian People's Aid

NPF National Patriotic Front of Namibia

NPPHCN National Progressive Primary Health Care Network

NPU National Population Unit

NPWP National Public Works Programme

NQF National Qualifications Framework

NRC Natives Representative Council Afrikanernes "sandkasseparlament" oprettet efter fratagelsen af parlamentariske rettigheder i 1936.
NRC National Reception Committee (South Africa)

NRFA Cape Native Franchise Vigilance Committee Liberal organisation 1920s, parallel to SAIRR,
NRK Norsk Rikskringkasting (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)

NRP I 1977 blev Dominion Party fusioneret med UP til New Republic Party.

NRT Nasionale Raad van Trustees Under the guidance of Hertzog the Nasionale Raad van Trustees (NRT) was created in an effort to purify unions such as the MWU and the GWU of their "communistically inclined" Jewish leadership and to "save" Afrikaner workers from the "baneful influence" of communism and non-racialism.
NSA Norwegian Shipowners Association (Norges Rederiforbund)

NSDF National Spatial Development Framework

NSMS National Security Management System

NTB National Training Board

NTUC Nordic Trade Union Council

NUM National Union of Mining Workers

NUMSA National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa

NUNW National Union of Namibian Workers

NUSAS National Union of South African Students Dannet 1914. Afrikaanstalende studerende brod ud 1933-36 (ASB). Ledere banned i 1972. Afrikanske studerende medlemmer fra 1946, brod i 1969 (SASO).
NWC National Working Committee of ANC

OAPEC Organization of Arab Petroleum Producing Countries

OAS Organization of American States

OAU Organisation of African Unity
Se Hofmeier.
OB Ossewabrandwag A fascist Afrikaner cultural movement that gained short-lived popularity among Afrikaners in the 1930s and 1940s, emphasized that the OB, with its authoritarian ideology, offered the Afrikaner an alternative to the policies of racial equality espoused by communist ideology. Behind an attempted coup de etat during WW2.
OBE outcomes-based education

OD Operasjon Dagsverk (Operation Day's Work in Norway)

OECD Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development

OECS Organization of East Caribbean States

OFS Orange Free State Den ene af to engelsk-anerkendte boerrepublikker, 1854-1901. En af de fire provinser i det moderne Sydafrika.
OH Oxford History (eds. Wilson and Thompson 1969/71)

OHS October Household Survey

OJIA Angolan Women's Organization/Organizagåo das Mulheres de Angola

OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPIC Olof Palme International Center (Sweden)

OPO Ovamboland's People's Organisation

OSEO Office for Serious Economic Offences

Oslo Oslo Universitetsbibliotek

OUB Odense universitetsbibliotek

PA Programme of Action against Apartheid was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1983, containing admonitions to NGOs, trade unions, political parties, etc. to cease all collaboration with the apartheid regime and to support the liberation movements Document A/Res/38/39b, 5 December 1983
PAC Pan Africanist Congress of Azania. Black nationalist organisation broken out of ANC 1958-59.
PAI African Independence Party/Partido Africano de Independencia (Guinea-Bissau)

PAICV African Independence Party of Cape Verde/Partido Africano para a do Cabo VerdeIndependencia

PAIGC African Party for the Independence of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde/Partido Africano para a Independenca da Guinz e Cabo Verde

PASA Post-Apartheid South Africa

PCR Programme to Combat Racism of WCC

PDA Democratic Party of Angola/Partido Democråtico Angolano

PDI Previously disadvantaged individuals

PEBCO Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organisation. Stiftet 1979 af beboerer i sorte townships.
PEI Presidential Education Initiative

PEM Protein Energy Malnutrition

PEP Progressive Federal Party (South Africa)

PEYCO Port Elizabeth Youth Congress (South Africa)

PF Patriotic Front (Zimbabwe)

PFP Progressive Federal Party Stiftet i 1977, men med rodder til progressive party fra 1959. Modstander af trekammerparlamentet.
PIDE International and State Defence Police/Policia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado(Portugal)

PIR Poverty and Inequality Report


PLAN People's Liberation Army of Namibia

PLO Palestine Liberation Organization

PMI Purchasing Managers Index
South Africa's Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) rose for the first time in four months to 57,7 in July on a seasonally adjusted basis, pointing to buoyant business conditions. The index, which tracks trends in the manufacturing sector, rose from 56 in June as local and international demand lifted sales.
PP Progressive Party 12 parlamentsmedlemmer udsplittet fra UP i 1959, Helen Susman var MP 1961-74.
PPF Provincial Planning Forum

PSLSD Project for Statistics on Living Standards and Development

PSNP Primary School Nutrition Programme

PSP Socialist Party of Portugal/Partido Socialista de Portugal

PTA Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa Frihandelsorganisation. Forgænger for COMESA Regional okonomisk organisation.
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder

PVO Private volonter? organisations private frivilllige organisationer
PWV Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging

R Rand Den sydafrikanske montenhed efter republikken.
RAID Rural Administrative Infrastructure Development Programme

RAP Rural Area Power

RB Save the Children/Rådda Barnen (Sweden)

RCC Roman Catholic Church havde ca. 390.000 hvide medlemmer i midt-80erne. Sorte sosterkirker.
RDA Regional Distribution Agencies

RDF Rural Development Framework

RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme 1994
REFSA Renewable Energy for South Africa

RENAMO Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana (Mozambique National Resistance)

RF Swedish Sports Confederation/Sveriges Riksidrottsforbund

Rhodes Rhodes University, Grahamstown

RIDP Regional Industrial Development Programme

RIIF Rural Infrastructure Investment Framework

RMC Release Mandela Campaign/Committee. Formed 1980 in SA in the campaign for release of political prissoners.
RoW Rest of the World

RRV Swedish National Audit Bureau/Riksrevisionsverket

RUC Roskilde universitetsbibliotek

RV Radikale Venstre or just Radikale, liberal centre Danish political party.

RWG Redistribution with growth. Moderniseringsteoretisk udviklingsopfattelse.
Satser på vækst i industrien.

SA-PPA South African Participatory Poverty Assessment

SAAU South African Agricultural Union

SAAU South African Artists United

SAAWU South African Allied Workers Union

SABA South African Black Alliance Allince bestående af Inkatha, de farvede Labour Party og indernes Reform Party Stiftet 1978?
SABC South African Broadcasting Corporation

SABRA South African Bureau of Racial Affairs / Suid-Afrikaanse Buro vir Rasse-Aangeleenthede ?Halvofficiel institution, der virkede for apartheids indforelse i 50erne.
SACBC Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference

SACC South African Council of Churches. Organisation formed by black church leaders in the 1970s. Represents 16 mio blacks From 1978 marked apartheid resistance
SACCOLA South African Consultative Committee Sydafrikas storste arbejdsgiversammenslutning under apartheids sidste år.
SACHED South African Council of Higher Education Respekteret alternativ uddannelsesinstitution.
SACL South African Confederation of Labour

SACOB South African Chamber of Commerce Det sydafrikanske handelskammer.
SACOL South African Federation of Labour.

SACP / CPSA South African Communist Party see CPSA Took over from CPSA after the banning. Formed under cover 1953, secret until 1962, illegal until 1990.
SACTU South African Congress of Trade Unions. National trade union organisation, formed 1955 in close cooperation with the Congress Alliance. Exiled in the 1960s (1964). Underground network. Included in COSATO 1990.
SACU Southern African Customs Union Toldunionen for det sydlige Afrika, SA, Botswana, Lesotho og Swaziland. See Hofmeier.
SADC Southern African Development Community Regional samarbejdsorganisation for landene i det sydlige Afrika.Afloste SADCC. Stiftet 17/8- 1992. Ramaphosa deltog for ANC. Hovedsode i Gaborone, Botswana.
SADCC Southern African Development Coordination Conference Tanzania, Mocanbique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, Malawi, Lesitho og Swaziland. Okonomisk samarbjOprettet 1980. Se Hofmeier
SADET South African Democracy Education Trust Post-apartheid.
SADF South African Defence Force The regular South African mili
SADL Southern Africa Development Community

SADT South African Development Trust

SAF Swedish Employers Confederation/Svenska Arbetsgivareforeningen

SAHP South African History Project Think thank under the National Departmet of Education with the purpose of developing the teaching and writing of history in SA.
SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency

SAIC South African Indian Congress. The Indian part of the Congress Alliance. Founded 1920 from older organisations NIC, TIC. Cooperated with ANC from mid-1940s.
SAIH Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond (Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Assistance Fund)

SAIRR South African Institute of Race Relations. Liberal reform oriented think tank. Founded 1926 more or less active until today.
SAK Central Organization of the Finnish Trade Unions / Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö

SAL South African Library, Cape Town

SALB South African Labour Bulletin.

SALDRU Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit

SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

SAM South African Museum

SANCO South African National Civic Organisation Sammenslutning for lokale borgerorganisationer

SANSCO South African National Student Congress is the successor to AZASO, which had replaced SASO.
SAP South African Party 1911-1934, Sammenslutning af bl.a. Afrikaner Bond og Het Volk. Gik ind for konsensus mellem engelsk- og afrikaanstalende.
SAP South African Police Det regulære sydafrikanske politi før 1994.
SAP / STP Structural adjustment programmes Strukturtilpasningsprogrammer.
SAPOS South African Postal Service

SAPS South African Police Service

SAQA South African Qualifications Authority

SAR South African Rands

SARCC South African Rail Commuter Corporation

SARDC Southern African Research and Documentation Centre

SAREC Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries

SASA South African Schools Act

SASCO South African Students Congress

SASM South African Students' Movement. Stiftet i 1972, stor betydning for Soweto-opstanden i 1976. Sydafrikanske gynmasieelevers bevægelse.
SASO South African Student Organisation Formed 1969 (1968?) after break with NUSAS Importent for BCM. Banned 1977.
SASO was inaugurated in July 1969 at Turfloop1, campus of the University of the North, with Biko as president.
SASPRO South African Studies Project

SATLC / SAT&LC South African Trade and Labour Council Den "officielle" Landsorganisation indtil 1954, hvidt domineret. Soviet freindly tendencies in the ‘30s and 40’s.
SATRA South African Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

SATUCC Southern African Trade Union Co-ordination Council

SAUF South Africa United Front

SAYCO South African Youth Congress. Stiftet illegalt i 1987, snart efter milliontallig medlemsskare.
SCA Soweto Ciwic Association. Stiftet i townshipområdet i 1979.
SCAT Social Change Assistance Trust

SCC South African State Security Council

SCC Swedish Co-operative Centre/Kooperation Utan Grånser

SCR Social corporate responsibility Virksomheders sociale ansvarligehd
SD Socialdemokratiet, socal democratic political parties in Nordic countries.

SDF Students Development Fund (Sweden)

SDI Spatial Development Initiative

SDP Social Democratic Party (Sweden)

SEATO Southeast Asian Treaty Organization

SECO Swedish Union of Secondary School Students/Sveriges Elevers Centralorganisation

SEK Swedish currency (Svenske kronor)

SEN Swedish Ecumenical Council/Svenska Ekumeniska Nåmnden

SF Socialistisk Folkeparti, Socialist Peoples Party, Danish Political Party.

SFN United Nations Association of Sweden/Svenska FN-forbundet

SFS Swedish National Union of Students/Sveriges Forenade Studentkårer

SI Socialist International

SIDA Swedish International Development Authority

SIF Federation of Swedish Industries/Sveriges Industriforbund

SILC Swedish International Liberal Center/Liberalt Utvecklingscentrum

SIPU Swedish National Institute for Civil Service Training and Development/StatensInstitut for Personalmveckling

SIT Union of Industrial Employees/Svenska Industritjånstemannaforbundet (Sweden)

SIV Swedish Immigration Board/Statens Invandrarverk

SKP Communist Party of Sweden/Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti

SKTF Union of Municipal Employees/Sveriges Kommunaltjdnstemannaferbund (Sweden)

SL Swedish Teachers Association/Sveriges Ldrarferbund

SLBM Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles

SLL Supplementary Living Level

SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

SMME Small, Medium and Micro-Enterprise

SOAS School of Asian and African Studies, University of London

SOMAFCO Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College in Tanzania

SOYCO Soweto Youth Congress (South Africa)

SPROCAS ? Christian group for democracy
SRB Shipping Research Bureau (Holland)

SRN School Register of Needs

SSAK Swedish South Africa Committee/Svenska Sydafrikakommitten

SSC State Security Council Maybe the most important state organ during Botha.
SSF Support Group for the People of South Africa/Stödgruppen for Sydafrikas Folk(Sweden)

SSRC Soweto Student Representative Council. Stiftet under Sowetoopstanden 1976 som gynmasieelevernes talerør.
SSU Social Democratic Youth League/Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsforbund(Sweden)

State State Library / State Archives / SAL, Pretoria

STD Sexually Transmitted Disease

SUL National Council of Swedish Youth/Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationers Landsråd

SWANLIF South West African National Liberation Front

SWANU South West Africa National Union

SWANUF South West Africa National United Front

SWAP Social Welfare Action Programme

SWAPO South West African People’s Organisation Liberation movement in Namibia. After independence from SA ruling party.

SWATUL South West Africa Trade Union League

SWC SWAPO's Women Council

SWEDTEL Swedish Telecommunication Consulting AB

SYL SWAPO Youth League

SYL? National Union of Finnish Students / Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto

TAC Treatment Action Campaign AIDS/HIV related, post-apartheid.
TBCP Tuberculosis Control Programme

TBVC Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei. Former independent homelands
TCO Central Organization of Salaried Employees/Tjdnstemdnnens Centralorganisation(Sweden)

TEC Transitional Executive Council (South Africa)

TGNU Transitional Government of National Unity (Namibia)

TNDT Transitional National Development Trust

TRC Truth and Reconciliation Commission

TUACC Trade Union Advisory and Coordinating Council (South Africa)
TUC Trade Union Council Used about the central national trade union organisation in different countries
TUC Trades Union Congress (Great Britain)

TUCSA/SATUC South African Trade Union Council / Trade Union Council of South Africa Stiftet 1954 efter SATCL, omdobt i 1966, oplost 1977? Udrensede hvide fagforeninger med sorte parallelfagforeninger.
UANC United African National Council (Zimbabwe)

UAW United Automobile Workers (South Africa)

UBA Universitetsbiblioteket, Amager / Det kongelige bibliotek

UCT University of Cape Town Libraries

UDEAC Union Dounaiére et Économique de l'Afrique Centrale
Se Hofmeier
UDF United Democratic Front Formed 1983 as coordinating organ for hundreds of popular organisations and movements against apartheid during the 1980s.
UDI Unilateral Declaration of Independence (Rhodesia) UDI regime
UDW University of Durban-Westville

UFF Development Aid from People to People in Sweden/U-landshjdlp från Folk till Folki SverigeUlandshjælp fra Folk til Folk / Humana People to People Danish relief organisation. Tvind related.
UGEAN General Union of Students from Black Africa under Portuguese Colonial Domination/Uniåo Geral dos Estudantes da Africa Negra sob Dominacao Colonial Portuguesa

UIF Unemployment Insurance Fund

UM / UMSA Unity Movement / Unity Movement of South Africa Anti-apartheid organisation with connections to BCM and NF during the 1980s.
UN University of Natal Libraries

UN United Nations

UNCN United Nations Council for Namibia

UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNDP United Nations Development Programme Udviklingsorganisation under FN stiftet i 1965 lavindkomstlande, naturresurser, menneskelig kapacitet
UNDP United Nations Development Programme

Unesco United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation FNs organisation for uddannelse og kultur, oprettet i 1946. Arbejder for alfabetisering og grunduddannelse overalt i 3.v.
UNETPSA United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa

UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund

UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UNIN United Nations Institute for Namibia

UNIP United National Independence Party (Zambia)

Unisa University of South Africa, Pretoria

UNITA National Union for the Total Independence of Angola/Unico Nacional para a Independencia Total de Angola

UNOMSA United Nations Observer Mission in South Africa

UNTA National Union of Angolan Workers/Uniåo Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Angola

UNTAG United Nations Transitional Assistance Group

UNZA University of Zambia

UP United Party 1934-1977. Opstod ved Fusion-kabinetet mellem det opr. National Party og South African Party. Splittet over krigen i 1939.
UPA Union of the Peoples of Angola/Unido das Populagees de Angola

UPE University of Port Elizabeth Libraries

UPF United People's Front (UPF) against Fascism eft-wing labour organisations such as the SAT&LC were by the mid-1930s supporting the formation of the United People's Front (UPF) against Fascism, which was to include all members of the working class. This movement actively propagated the breaking down of racial barriers among the working class and promoted the inclusion of Afrikaans-speaking workers in the Front.
Upp.Uni. Uppsala Universitet

USA Universal Service Agency

USD United States Dollar

UW University of the Witwatersrand Libraries

UWC University of the Western Cape

UWO United Women’s Organisation UDF-tilknyttet kvindeorganisation i 1980erne.
UWUSA United Workers Union of South Africa

V.O.C. / DEIC Vereignigte Oost Indische Compagnie. Opr. 1602. Dutch East India Compagny.

V&AW Victoria & Alfred Waterfront

WACL World Anti-Communist League

VAP Election turnout as a % of voting age population

VAT Victims Against Terrorism (South Africa)
WAY World Assembly of Youth

WCC World Council of Churches

WCCA Western Cape Civic Assosiation UF-orienteret housing township organisation fra begyndelsen af 80erne. Organiserede mest afrikanere i en vis modsætning til CAHAC
WCG Western Contact Group

WCL World Confederation of Labour

WDR World Development Report

Web/WWW World Wide Web. Download from internet.

VEETU Voter Education and Elections Training Unit (South Africa)

WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) was established in 1945 to replace the International Federation of Trade Unions. Its mission was to bring together trade unions across the world in a single international organization, much like the United Nations. After a number of Western trade unions left it in 1949, as a result of disputes over support for the Marshall Plan, to form the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the WFTU was made up primarily of unions affiliated with or sympathetic to Communist parties. In the context of the Cold War, the WFTU was often portrayed as a Soviet front organization.[2] A number of those unions, including those from Yugoslavia and China, left later when their governments had ideological differences with the Soviet Union.

The WFTU has declined precipitously in the past twenty years since the fall of the Communist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, with many of its former constituent unions joining the ICFTU. In January 2006 it moved its headquarters from Prague, Czech Republic to Athens, Greece and now focuses on organizing regional federations of unions in the Third World, campaigning against imperialism, racism, poverty, environmental degradation and exploitation of workers under capitalism and in defense of full employment, social security, health protection, and trade union rights. The WFTU continues to devote much of its energy to organizing conferences, issuing statements and producing educational materials.

As part of its efforts to advance its international agenda, the WFTU develops working partnerships with national and industrial trade unions worldwide as well as with a number of international and regional trade union organizations including the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU), the Permanent Congress of Trade Union Unity of Latin America (CPUSTAL), and the General Federation of Trade Unions of CIS.

The WFTU holds consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the ILO, UNESCO, FAO, and other UN agencies. It maintains permanent missions in New York, Geneva, and Rome.

WHO World Health Organisation

WITS University of the Witwatersrand

WNLA/Wenela Witwatersrand Native Labour Association Mineejernes organisation til rekruttering af sort arbejdskraft udenfor Sydafrika.
WPC World Peace Council

VS Venstresocialisterne, Left Socialists, Danish Political Party

VSP Voluntary Severance Package

WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development in August 2002

WTO World Trade Organisation Verdenshandelsorganisationen, som har afløst GATT som forhandlingsforum for frihandel.
VUF Left Party Youth League/Vdnsterpartiets Ungdomsforbund (Sweden)

WUS World University Service Solidarity organisation working in different Nordic countries.
WUS - Danmark / Ibis World University Service / Development Organisation Ibis / Ulandsorganisationen Ibis

YCL Young Communist League Dannet 1921, stærkest i Johannesburg, stottede sammen med CPSA Cape Branch en "sort" linje.
ZANLA Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army

ZANU Zimbabwe African National Union

ZAPU Zimbabwe African People's Union

ZCRS Zambian Christian Refugee Service

ZCTU Zambian Congress of Trade Unions

ZIPA Zimbabwe People's Army

ZIPRA Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army

ZIRIC Zimbabwe Research and Information Centre

ZLC Zimbabwe Liberation Council

ZUM Zimbabwe Unity Movement

ZWT Zimbabwe Welfare Trust

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