i Home - SASR

Author Title Source Publisher Year Library Publ. type

Umsebenzi, SACP,
(CDR) WWW-download, Periodikatitel,

South African Congress of Democrats: Papers, 1956-61, CAMP collection, Chicago,

Dokumenter, Arkivregistrant,

Papers of Edward Roux, Gubbins Library, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,

Dokumenter, Arkiver,

Bulletin of the South African Peace Council, (Hoover micro)

Periodikatitel, Nedl.,

(Bl.a. artikler om SACP) (Vol 4. No.25) Southscan. A bulletin of Southern African Affairs, London, -89- hes /57, NAI, SAK, Periodikatitel vigtig, important periodical title,

Inkululeko Johannesburg,

Adam, Heribert: Exile and resistance: the ANC, the SACP and the PAC. Indeholdt i Berger/Godsell (eds.): A Future SA. Visions, Strategies and Realities, SABA Foundation, Cape Town, 1988 hes, Artikel
Adam, Heribert / Slabbert, Frederik van Zyl / Moodley, Kogila: Comrades in business: post-liberation politics in South Africa,
International Books, 1998 NAI,
Adams, Simon: What's Left: The South African Communist Party after Apartheid, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 72, pp. 237-249,
1997 NAI.
Alexander, Peter: Workers, war & the origins of apartheid: labour & politics in South Africa, 1939—48,
James Currey / Ohio University Press / David Philip, 2000 hes,
Alexander, Ray: An historic Workers summit. Growing workers unity in the struggle, African Communist, No. 118, London, 1989 (3kvt) hes, -Peri, Art,
ANC: Strategy and Tactics of the South African Revolution, in La Guma, Justin, Alexander (ed.): Apartheid: a collection of.., London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1972 KB: hæ-74-3.
Ben Turok, Nothing but the Truth: Behind the ANC’s Struggle Politics,

erindringer, autobiografi,
(Bernard Magubane (Head of comittee): (Houston, Gregory F.:??) Different titles from: South African Democracy Education Project (SADEP), South African Democracy Educational Trust,

Bernstein, Rusty, Memory Against Forgetting. Memoirs from a Life in South African Politics 1938-1964,
Penguin Group, England, 1999
Memories, autobiografi, biografier,
Bohmer, Elizabeth Wilhelmina: A bibliographical and historical study of left radical movement and some alleged left radical movements in SA and Namibia1900-81,
Uni. of Stellenbosch, Inst. f.t. Study of Marxism. 1985
Universitært arbejdspapir,
Bond, Patrick: The reconstruction and development programme: A site for socialist struggle, The African Communist, 137, p. 14-23,
1994 NAI,
Bonner, Philip / Delius, Peter / Posel, Deborah (eds.): Apartheids Genesis, 1935-1962,
Johannesburg: Ravan Press / Witwatersrand University Press, 1993 NAI, KB: US8-K9785. anml. findes,
Brade, Klaus: Südafrika. Apartheid. Illustrierte Historische Hefte no. 12. Centralinstitut für Geschichte der Akademie der Wi 1978 , Ber. hes, DDR,
Brooks, Alan K.: From Class Struggle to National Struggle. The Communist Party of South Africa, 1940-1950,
MA, University of Sussex, 1967 Unatal: 329.968 theses lib, Afhandling, thesis, MA, not for loan,
Bundy, Colin: Arond which corner? Revolutionary theory and contemporary South Africa, Transformation, Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, No. 8, University of Natal, Durban, Dept. of Economic History, 1989 hes /58-, NAI, UC, UN, ICS, Mundtligt oplæg/artikel.
Bunting, Brian: Moses Kotane. South African Revolutionary. A Political Biography,
Inkululeko Publications, London, 1975 / 1986 hes, Biografi,
Callinicos, Alex (ed.): Between Apartheid and Capitalism. Conversations with South African Socialists, Socialists, London: Bookmarks, 1992 NAI: 8416, BL: YC.1992.a.1316
Campbell, Keith: ANC. a Soviet task force? Institute for the Study of Terrorism, London, 1986 BL: Shelfmark: q89/08598
Clingman, Stephen: Bram Fischer. Afrikaner Revolutionary,
Cape Town: David Philip / Mayibuye Books / Uni. Mass. Press, 1998 van Schaick Bramfontein. Biografi,
Coetzee, P.J.: Die geskiedenis van die South African Congress of Democrats, MA, JRAV,
1978 UW: G20919. Afhandling, thesis, MA,
Davies, R. H.: Rethinking a socialist debate for South Africa, African Communist, No. 125, pp. 37-46,
1991 CDR,
Davies, R. H.: Nationalisation vs Privatisation. Moving the debate beyong stereotypes, Die Suid-Afrikaan, No. 29, pp. 14-15, Vlaeberg, Kaapstad, 1990 UW: Periodikalæsesal. Periodikatitel, Stoppet efter jan 96?
Davis, David / Fine, Bob: Political Strategies and the State: Some historical observations, Journal of Southern African Studies, 12/1, pp. 25-48, Oxford University press, 1985 KB: hæt-jo.
De Kock, C.P.: Revolutionary violence in South Africa: 1000 days after 3 sept... Fra Vuuren/Wiehanh et al.: SA The Challenge of reform, Pinetown, South Africa, 1988 hes, Artikel
Delius, Peter A Lion Amongst Cattle.

1996 Foyles Bookstore,
Den Sydafrikanske Republik: Talking with the ANC..,
Bureau for information, Pretoria hes,
Dialego: The Working Class must lead our National Liberation Struggle, African Communist, 111, London, 1987 hes (Ovrs. i SA vej.) Disk,
Drew, Allison: Events were breaking above their heads: Socialism in South Africa, 1921-1950, Social Dynamics, 17 (1), pp. 49-77,
1991 hes /73,
Drew, Allison: Discordant Comrades. Identities and Loyalties on the South African Left,
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000 hes,
Drew, Allison: '1922 and all that': Facts and The Writing of South African Political History, In Conference Book Publication: Hans Erik Stolten (ed.): History-Making and Present Day Politics. The Meaning of Collective Memory in South Africa,

Drew, Allison. (ed.): South Africa's Radical Tradition, A Documentary History, Vol. 1-2,
UCT Press / Buchu Books / Mayibuye Books, 1996-97 hes, Kildesamling, referenceværk, ny klassiker, bibliografi,
Du Toit, Darcey.: Capital and Labour in South Africa. Class struggle in the 1970s, Monographs from the African Studies Centre, Leiden, London: Kegan Paul, 1981 hes, KB: dispk-82-18.
Ellis, Stephen: The South African Communist Party and the collapse of the Soviet Union, The Journal of Communist Studies: (1992), vol. 8, no. 2, p. 145-159.

Leiden, Periodikatitel,
Ellis, Stephen / Sechaba, Ttsepo Comrades against apartheid: The ANC and the South African Communist Party in Exile,
London: James Currey, 1992 CAS: 98.487, NAI,
Everatt, David: Alliance politics of a special type: the roots of the ANC/SACP alliance, 1950-54,
Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol.18, No.1, 1992 KB: hæt-jo, MS,
(First, Ruth): Ruth First Papers, Institute of Commonwealth Studies,
2001 ICS. Arkivmateriale, kildesamling, arkiver, kilder, dokumenter, papirer, biografisk.
Forman, Lionel (Forman, Sadie / Odendaal, Andre eds.): A trumpet from the housetops: selected writings, (The Mayibuye Centre, University of Western Cape), London: Zed Books / Ohio University Press / David Philip, 1992 NAI: Huvudkatalogen: 8006,
hes /73,

Forskellige forfattere: Forskellige artikler, African Communist no. 100 - 107 SACP, London, 1984 -86 hes /33. -Peri,
Forskellige forfattere: Forskellige artikler, African Communist no. 76 - 99 + 86 - 108 SACP, London, 1979 - 198 hes /34. -Peri,
Forskellige forfattere: Artikler fra: Sechaba, Sactu News Flashes, Workers Unity, ANC-News Briefing, Work in Progress, Wits Student, Sash, AA News,
1987 hes /37. Artikler, -Peri,
Frederikse, Julie: The Unbreakable Thread: Non-Racialism in South Africa,
London: Zed, 1990 NAI: Sy Fre, (Anml. hes /73), Sammenhængende kildesamling, interviews med 200 ledende aktivister.
Hirson, Baruch: Entryism and the Communist Party of South Africa: 1923-25, Collected Seminar Papers No.44?, pp. 137-146, London: SOAS,
hes /68 eller 67,
Houston, Gregory F.: The National Liberation Struggle in South Africa. A Case Study of the United Democratic Front, 1983-1987, Democracy and Government in the New South Africa, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999 NAI: SY HOU, Referenceværk for modstandskampens historie.
Hudson, Peter / Louw, Stephen: Beware the shining path: The future of the SACP, Work in Progres, No. 90, pp. 37-40,
1993 CDR.
Johns III, Sheridan W.: Marxism and Leninism in a Multi-Racial Environment: The origins and Early History of the Communist Party of South Africa, 1914-1932,
Harvard University, 1965
Ph.D.-afhandling, upubliceret?,
Johns, Sheridan: Raising the Red Flag: The International Socialist League and the Communist Party of South Africa 1914-1932,
Mayibuye Books, University of Western Cape, 1995 UWC: Opr. Ph.D.-afhandling fra 1965.
Jones, D.I.: Communism in South Africa, Fra South African Communist Speaks 1915-1980, pp. 41-56, Inkululeko Pulications, London, 1981(1921) KB:, hes,
Jordan, Pallo: The Southern Africa Policy of the Soviet Union - with Specific Reference to South Africa: Some Notes,


Karis, T. / Carter, G.M. / Gerhart, G.M. (eds.): From Protest to Challenge. A Documentary History of African Politics in South Africa 1882-1964, Vol. 1-5-?,
Standford University, 1972 - 77 KB: hæ-72-201, (hes /30 delkopi). Kildesamling, Bibliografi, Biografier.
Karis, Tomas G: South African Liberation: The Communist Factor, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 65/2, pp. 267-287,

Karis-Gerhart: Karis-Gerhart Collection. From Protest to Challenge 1964-1990, The Center for Research Libraries, CAMP, University of Chicago,
Web katalog: http://www.crl.edu/areastudies/
Kildesamling, biografier på microfiche, interviews, indeks på www..
Kasrils, Ronald (Ronnie): Armed and Dangerous; My Undercover Struggle Against Apartheid,
London: Heineman, 1993

Kelley, Robin D.G.: The Religious Oddysse of African radicals: Notes on the Communist Party of South Africa, 1921-34, Radical Historical Review, Vol. 51,
Periodikaart, ?anmeldelse?
Kgope, Tebogo: Is South Africa Suited for Guerilla Warfare? African Communist, No. 117,
1989 (May) hes, -Peri,
Koen, Raymond: A history of the African labour movement circa 1924-46 with spe- cial reference to the African mineworkers strike. BA, University of Cape Town, 1979 UCT, BUT320KOEN, 79/10736. Afhandling, thesis, BA,
Kotane, Moses: South Africa's Way Forward, An Advanve Study Dokument, Cape Town: Competent Printing and Publ. Co., 1954 BL: 8158.ccc.7.
Kühne, Winrich: A 1988 update on Soviet relations with Pretoria, the ANC and SACP, CSIS Africa Notes, Cen. for Strt. and Int. stud., Wasington D.C., (Vol. 89), 1988 NAI, Periodikatitel, periodicals,
La Guma, A. (ed.): Apartheid. A Collection of Writings on South African Racism by South Africans,
International Publishers, New York, 1971 KB: hæ-74-3. Antologi, kildesamling.
Langer, Emil: Revolutionäre Vorhutparteien in Asien und Afrika, Rates für Wissenschaftlichen Kommunismus, Dietz Verlag Berlin-DDR, 1986 hes,
Laurence, Patrick: South African Communist Party Strategy Since 1990, South African Review, 6: From 'red friday' to Codesa, pp. 79-95, Ravan press, Johannesburg, 1992 hes, hes /68, Artikel.
Lazerson, J.N.: Against the tide. Whites in the struggle against apartheid,
Belville: Mayibuye Books, 1994 CAS: 98.487 La, KB: US8-M1614.
Leatt, James / Kneifel, Theo / Nürnberger, Klaus (eds.): Contending Ideologies in South Africa,
Cape Town: David Philip, 1986 hes /67(delkopi), UW: JSH P1.1F5 CON, BD163649 (JC), 200033638.
Legassick, Martin C.: Class and Nationalism in South African Protest: The South African Communist Party and the Native Republic 1928-34,
Eastern African Studies XV, Syracuse University, New York, 1973 hes /4, KB: hæ-78-187.
Lerumo, A.: Fünfzig Jahre Kampf der Südafrikanischen Kommunistischen Partei 1921 - 1971,
Berlin, DDR, 1973 hes /35.
Liebenberg, Ian / Lortan / Nel / Westhuizen (eds.): The long march. The story of the struggle for liberation in South Africa,
Pretoria: HAUM, 1994

Lodge, Tom: State of Exile: The African National Congress of South Africa, 1976-86, Indeholdt i Frankel/Pines/Swilling (eds.): State, Resistance.., London: Croom Helm, 1988 KB: el-88-325.
Majola, Sisa: The Current Crissis and the Growth of our Revolution. A comparative analysis of the states of of emergency in 1960/86. African Communist, no 117, 1989 (May) hes, -Peri,
Mbeki, Govan: The Struggle for Liberation in South Africa: a short history, Mayibuye History and Litterature Series, No. 13, Cape Town: David Philip, 1992 UWC: UW: 301063633, RA384735 (),
Mbeki, Govan: Learning from Robben Island: the prisson writings of Govan Mbeki, Cape Town: David Philip (UWC Historical and Cultural Centre Project), London/Ohio: James Currey/OUP, 1991 NAI: Huvudkatalogen: 6083. Erindringer, kilde,
Mdlalose, Thoko: The Place of the Church in our Liberation Struggle, African communist, No. 104, London, 1986 hes (Ovrst. i SA vej.) Disk,
Mokgatle, Naboth: Autobiography of an Unknown South African,
London: C. Hurst & Company, 1971 KB: ki-mo. Selvbiografi,
Molapo, Ben (synonym for Jeremy Cronin): Marxism, South Africa and the Colonial Question 1-2, African Communist, 113 / 114, London, 1988 hes, (Overs`t. i SA vej.) Artikel, på disk,
Mort, Sophie: Some CPSA/SACP Activity in the Early 50s, Azania Worker, (11-12), London, 1988 NAI:Tidskriftskatalogen: 29, Periodikatitel,
Mouton, F.A.: Review Article: Who were the opponents of apartheid? Kleio, 27, pp. 214-220, Unisa, 1995 hes /72, Anmeldelse,
Mufson, Steven: Fighting Years: Black Resistance and the Struggle for a new South Africa,
Boston: Beacon Press, 1990

Murray, Martin: The National Party in command: Apartheid and Political Challenge1948-1976. Indeholdt i Martin Murray (ed.): SA Capitalism Political Opposition and Black.., Massachusets, 1982 hes /41, Artikel,
Müller, / Galylin, / Kramer, / Gamasch,: Südafrikas Kommunisten Gegen Kolonialismus und Rassismus, Blickpunkt Weltpolitik, Berlin-DDR, 1978 hes /15a.
Ngubane, Jordan Kush: An African explains apartheid,
London/New York: Pall Mall Press, 1963 hæ-65-107.
Ntsebeza, Lungisile: Divisions and unity in struggle: the ANC, ISL and the CP, 1910-28, BA, University of Cape Town,
1988 UCT, BUT300.96NTSE, 88/11434. Afhandling, thesis, BA,
Nyameko, R.E.: The Fight for Unity in the Trade Union Movement, African Communist, No. 113, London, 1987 hes (Ovrs. i SA vej.) Disk,
Nyameko, R.E.: Great Advances on the Trade Union Front, African Communist, No. 111, London, 1987 hes (Overst. i SA vej.) Disk,
O'Brien and Kevin A., A Blunted Spear: The Failure of the African Naitonal Congress / South African Communist Party,
Small Wars and Insurgencies, vol. 14, no. 2 Summer,

O'Meara, Dan: The 1946 African Mineworkers Strike and the Political Economy of South Africa, The Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, Vol. 13, No. 2, London, 1975 KB: elt-jo, hes /, -Peri,
Orbon, Helmut: Die Lage der Schwarzen in Sydafrika/Azania und ihr politischer Wiederstand im 20. Jahrhundert, Oberbaumskript, Berlin, 1980 KB: hæ-82-252.
Ray Alexander Simons (Raymond Suttner ed.), All my life and all my strength,
STE publishers, 2004 hes,
Raymond van Diemel, In Search of "Freedom, Fair Play and Justice": Josiah Tshangana Gumede, 1867-1947: A Biography,
Belhar: Raymond van Diemel, 2001
Roux, Edward (Ed. by Brian Bunting, Foreword by Cris Hani): S.P. Bunting. A Political Biography,
mayibuyeBooks, 1993 Foyles Bookstore, Politisk biografi,
SACP: The South African Communist Party - 65 years in the Frontline of Struggle.
London, u.å. hes, Biografier,
SACP: Dokumente zur Geschichte der Südafrikanischen Kommunistischen Partei 1915-1980,
Dietz Verlag Berlin-DDR, 1983 (1981) hes, Kildesamling, Dokumenter, (Inkululeko Publ. London)
SACP: The Path to Power. Programme of the SACP adoptet at 7'th Congess, African Communist, No. 118, London, 1989 hes, / CDR, Kbh. Partiprogram,
SACP: The Road to South African Freedom. The programme of the South African Communist Party,
London: Inkululeko Publications, 1962 BL: 8184.gg.59. Partiprogram,
SACP: South African Communists Speak. Documents from the history...,
London: Inkululeko Publications, 1981 ABA: 33.558487 so. Kildesamling.
SACP: Harvesting Apartheid: the complicity of business in racial oppression, African Communist, No. 148, pp. 40-63,
1997 CDR, NAI,
SACP: Understanding History: A Basic Guide to Historical Materialism, South African Communist Party, Johannesburg: Unsebenzi, 1991 Unatal: Main 335.411 UND, UW:?
SACP National Secretariat to Central Commitee meting 24/2-96: The Centre is to the Left (extracts from Political Overview) African Communist, No. 143, SACP, 1996 CDR, TC, NAI, artikel,
Sampson, Anthony: Black & gold: tycoons, revolutionaries and apartheid,
London, 1987 NAI,
Seekings, Jeremy: The UDF. A History of the United Democratic Front in South Africa 1983-1991,

2000 NAI, UCT: BA 322 42 seek.
Shubin, Vladimir: The ANC: a view from Moscow,
Cape Town: Mayibuye Books, 1999 NAI: Sy Shu.
Shubin, Vladimir: The Soviet Union/Russian Federation's relations with South Africa, with special reference to the period since 1980, African Affairs: (1996), vol. 95, no. 378, p. 5-30

Simons, H.J. / Simons, R.E.: Class and Colour in South Africa 1850 - 1950,
Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1969 hes /38+39+40, KB:hæ-70-219. Bredt værk,
Slovo, Joe: Sor-Afrika - Ingen tredie vej,
Pax, Oslo, 1978 hes /36.
Slovo, Joe: South Africa - No Middle Road. Fra Davidson/Wilkinson: South Africa: The New Politics of Revolution, London, 1976 hes, norsk kopi, UBA. Norsk,
Slovo, Joe: South Africa - cracks in the racist power block, World Marxist Review, (106), 1986 (jun.) NAI, Periodikatitel,
Slovo, Joe: Has Socialism Failed?, World Marxist Review ??
1988 NAI, -Peri,
Slovo, Joe: The Unfinished Autobiography,
Randburg: Ravan Press, 1995 NAI: Huvudkatalogen: 15758. Erindringer, autobiografi,
Slovo, Joe (interview): The South African Communist Party and the Trade Unions, Workers Unity, Vol. 63, SACTU, London, 1986 hes, CDR, Kbh. Periodika, gået ind?,
Slovo, Joe (Interview af Heinz Jakubowski): Einheitsfront des Wiederstandes gegen die Apartheid wächst .... Neues Deutschland, 24-25/10, 1987 Berlin-DDR, 1987 hes,
Sonkosi, Zola: African opposition in South Africa from 1948-1969: an analysis of the ANCs nonviolent and violent actions,
Dissertation, Free University, West-Berlin, 1982 KB: disp-78-249, Afhandling, Disputats,
Sparks, Allister: The Mind of South Africa,
London: Heinemann, 1990 KB: US-8D6366.
Sparks, Allister: Tomorrow is another Country: The inside story of South Africa's road to change,
New York: Hill and Wang, 1995 KB: US8-K7062. Biografisk.
Stolten, Hans Erik J. (red.): Sydafrikas vej. Sydafrikanske kommunister om apartheids krise - Udvalgte artikler.
København: Komm.S. Historie, 1988 hes, Artikler, Interview, Dansk,
Suttner, Raymond: The Tripartite alliance is it falling apart?,

Indicator South Africa, vol 19, no 1, March 2002 (p 24-29)

Switzer, Les: South Africa's Alternative Press: Voices of Protest and Ressistance, 1880s-1960s.
Cambridge University Press, 1997 CAS: 30.125 so,
Theodoropoulos, Christos: Colonialism of a Special Type and its Implications, African Communist, No. 91, pp. 53-65, London, 1982 hes /?, CDR (kælder).
Toussaint: A Distant Clap of Thunder. Fortieth Anniversary of the 1946 Mine Strike, SACP, London, 1986 hes,
Toussaint: On Workerism, Socialism and the Communist Party, African Communist, No. 114, London, 1988 hes (Ovrs. i SA vej.) Disk,
Transvaal Chamber of Mines: Tribal Natives and Trade Unionism: The policy of the Rand gold mining industry, Annual Report, Johannesburg, 1946 hes /25. Dokument, Udtalelse,
Walker, Ivan L. / Weinbren, Ben: 2000 Casualties. A History of the Trade Unions and the Labour Movement in the Union of South Africa,
Johannesburg, 1961 hes /11, Fort Hare: A 164 773, UW:BD239172 HD 6870.5 (RA).
Vassen, Robert D. (ed.) (Kathrada): Letters from Robben Island. A Selection of Ahmed Kathrada´s Prison Correspondence, 1964-1989,
Michigan State University Press, 1999 NAI: KAT SY. Biografi, erindringer, breve, kilder.
Weinberg, Eli: Portrait of a People. A personel record of the South African liberation struggle,
London: IDAF, 1981 KB: Kort- og Bild., MSB: 98.487. Fotos, illustrationer.
Vestbro, Dick Urban: Hvilken vej folger Sydafrika efter mordet på Chris Hani? Dkp bladet, 6, (juli)
1993 hes,
White, Barry: The role of the springbok legion in the Communist Party of South Africa's common front strategy, 1941-50, Kleio, 25, pp. 95-109,
1993 hes /72, Artikel,

i Stolten's African Studies Resources